Brightcove 支持聯繫支持|系統狀態系統狀況

    奧亞拉到視訊雲端遷移:新增布萊特灣 DNS 伺服器以進行測試



    測試播放適配器這將使您的Ooyala播放器可以從Video Cloud交付內容和/或使用CMS連接器使您可以使用Backlot API要在Video Cloud中管理媒體,必鬚髮生兩件事:

    1. 第一:請與您的CXM聯繫以啟動該過程。您的CXM需要從您那裡獲取IP地址,並且如果您不知道該怎麼做,它將幫助您找到它們。CXM還可以幫助您完成本文檔其餘部分中必須執行的步驟。
    2. 對於將要使用播放適配器或CMS連接器的每台計算機和設備,您需要做的是添加一個Brightcove DNS服務器,該服務器會將發送到ooyala.com資源的請求重定向到相應的Brightcove API。後續各節中詳細介紹了執行此操作的步驟。


    假設您不在VPN上,下面是在MacOS上為Mac筆記本電腦和台式機添加Brightcove DNS服務器的步驟。

    1. Open System Preferences:
      Open System Preferences
      Open System Preferences
    2. Open the Network Preferences:
      Open Network Preferences
      Open Network Preferences
    3. Click On the Advanced settings:
      Open Advanced Settings
      Open Advanced Settings
    4. Open the DNS settings:
      Open DNS Settings
      Open DNS Settings
    5. Click the + sign to add a DNS server:
      Add DNS Server
      Add DNS Server
    6. Enter the following address for the new DNS server:

    7. Click the + sign under Search Domains to add a search domain:
      Add Search Domain
      Add Search Domain
    8. Enter the following search domain:

    9. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
    10. Click Apply to save the new settings.
    11. Restart your Mac to clear the DNS cache.

    Windows 10步驟

    以下是在Windows 10筆記本電腦和台式機上添加Brightcove DNS服務器的步驟。

    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Click on Network and Internet.
    3. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
    4. Click the Change adapter settings option in the left pane.
      Change Adapter Settings
      Change Adapter Settings
    5. Right-click the network interface connected to the internet, and select the Properties option:
      Network Interface Properties
      Network Interface Properties
    6. Select and check the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option.
    7. Click the Properties button.
      Network Connection Properties
      Network Connection Properties
    8. Click the Use the following DNS server addresses option.
    9. For you Preferred on Alternate DNS server address, enter
      Enter DNS Server Address
      Enter DNS Server Address
    10. Click OK.
    11. Click Close
    12. Restart the computer to clear the DNS cache.


    以下是在iPhone和iPad的iOS上添加Brightcove DNS服務器的步驟。


    1. Open Settings:
      Open Settings
      Open Settings
    2. Open the Wi-Fi settings:
      Open WiFi Settings
      Open WiFi Settings
    3. Open the I (information) for the current network:
      Information for Current Network
      Information for Current Network
    4. Tap Configure DNS to change the configuration:
      Configure DNS
      Configure DNS
    5. Change the DNS configuration from Automatic to Manual
      Change DNS to Manual
      Change DNS to Manual
    6. Add a DNS server:
      Add DNS Server
      Add DNS Server
    7. For the new server address, enter
      Enter Server Address
      Enter Server Address
    8. Save your settings.
    9. Restart the device to clear the DNS cache.




    如果您的計算機/設備在VPN上,則上述步驟可能不起作用,因為VPN服務器可能會使用自己的DNS服務器設置來覆蓋您的DNS服務器設置。如果發生這種情況,則需要將Brightcove DNS服務器添加到VPN。實際需要什麼命令取決於平台和VPN,但是下面顯示了MacOS示例,以幫助您理解。

    在VPN接口上獲取DNS條目的subKey。例如,使用Pulse Secure,它看起來像:

    sudo scutil
    > get subKey [127 = State:/Network/Service/]
    > d.add ServerAddresses *
    > set State:/Network/Service/